For many younger Chinese, learning to speak English is an important personal goal, because it opens doors to jobs in multinational companies and is thus often linked with one's status in Chinese society. Today, many parents regard it as a vital life skill for their children; there are English classes for British English, American English, and even English classes for parents to enroll their babies and toddlers. Many Chinese spend their educational careers studying English. However, English is drastically different from Chinese, and there are few opportunities for Chinese to interact with those who are truly fluent in English. Therefore, due to both the importance of English and the lack of fluent speakers, the improper use of the English language and grammer runs rampant across the country. Fine specimens of Chinglish are exemplified across the country, on street signs, public reminders, and restaurant and shop fronts throughout giving those of us who know English a good laugh or an insight to the Chinese culture or language. Below are a few examples from my travels:
Emeishan, Sichuan
Shenyang, Liaoning
Bird Park, Anshan, Liaoning
Aquarium, Shanghai
Bird Park, Anshan, Liaoning
Terracotta Warriors, Xi'an, Shaanxi
Ok, well the last one doesn't qualify as Chinglish...its just ironic because well, its Shenyang. ;)